Poland Here I Come!

Dzien dobry państwo!  Nazywam się Laura Jasiczek I będę kierować małego objazd od Polski.  Z obrazylm myślym, i żle po polsku, będę dawała ty obejrzeniu od Polski, głownie Warszawa, od wizjy Amerykanki.  Odpoczywasz, odprężasz I rozkoszowasz wystawę.  Będę zderzena jazda!

I hope you appreciate this little paragraph because it took me forever and I'm sure it's still not even close to right. Check out the ongoing journal in the other section

[EDITORS NOTE: I plugged her paragraph into a few translators which are free online... check these out.

-- PolTran: Good state Dzien! I is called laurel   Jasiczek and I will lead (drive) small circuit (by-pass) from poland. With (from)     obrazylm myślym, and in polish żle, I will give observing from poland , warsaw głownie, from american wizjy. You rest  , you relax and exhibition rozkoszowasz. I will be riding zderzena!

-- Tranexp: Exitus goods the State! My name is Laurel Jasiczek AS WELL shall control małego tour ex Polish. EX visions thought , as well żle in Polish , shall dawała you view ex Polish , brands Warsaw , ex vision American. Rests , unbends AS WELL rozkoszowasz exhibition. Shall percussions ride!

Looks like either the whole internet or her grammar have a long way to go.]